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Crunch... Crunch

The blog where we bake the best TheCookies biscuits

Welcome to TheBakery!

Our space for sharing knowledge, reflections and success stories is now here

Every week we publish articles to nourish your mind with information about web development, design and online marketing.

At TheCookies we don't stand still.Every day we have new ideas and knowledge coming into our oven, so we are going to share it with all of you through publications that can inspire you, improve you or simply entertain you.

All with no added sugar, oat flour and pure cocoa nibs.

Discover the latest
That has just come out of the oven

What is a Lead Magnet. Examples and meaning por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
Examples of successful landing pages por: Fran Canales
  • Strategies
Branding, design and web development arquidom por: TheCookies
  • Releases
GaraziLab's corporate identity design por: TheCookies
  • Design web design and development por: TheCookies
  • Releases
Web structure for local business por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
What is internal linking or interlinking por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
Jamstack and form submission por: Alberto Lahuerta
  • Development
They will be doing something right if every day they have more visitors and earn more money in their online business por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
Differences between features and benefits: boxer shorts edition por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
How to write an SEO optimized title [Checklist] por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
My dog pulled my shoulder out but I was able to heal myself thanks to local SEO por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
What are related keywords por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
Everything you need to know about the sitemap.xml file por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
URLs with parameters: Do we have an SEO problem? por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies
7 Tricks to Get FREE Backlinks por: Guillermo Gascón
  • Strategies

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