What are related keywords

Guillermo Gascón

Today we are going to talk about how to complete and regenerate our on-page optimization thanks to words related to the theme we are touching on.

New words to improve SEO on Page

Today I propose a super practical podcast where we are going to learn how to modify and optimize any content on our website by adding related words. This program could be perfectly in the SEO course I teach.

The first thing is to make a distinction between related words and keywords.

Often, these two terms are confused, for example, if we are trying to position ourselves with a keyword such as “online fruit store”, we understand that this is our keyword and that other words such as “buy fruit online” or “online fruit store” are related words.

This is not so. The modifications I have mentioned to you areother keywords that are included in that catalog of synonyms or long tail words.

If you notice, they are terms that specify the original word or replace it as a synonym, but they do not refer to another related field.

A related word is one that has a clear relationship with the keyword to be positioned, but is not part of your family.

I'm going to follow the example to make it clear. For KW, “online fruit shop” related words would be “healthy foods”, “vegetarian diet”, “organic farming”... These are all terms perfectly related to our initial keyword and that allow Google to establish a relationship, a context, between our optimized keyword and the rest of the text.

Once we've made the difference clear, let's focus on these related words and discover their potential for our SEO.

The evolution of Google over the years has turned things upside down.

The great search engine is concerned that the content that is positioned on the first pages for a certain keyword is of quality. This is why metrics that were previously not as important as CTR, have now gained weight and are much more important, however, others, such as the repetition of keywords, have been losing importance, and have even been penalized when used excessively.

One of the things that Google can currently do is to set themes for each page and to do this, its algorithm controls all the vocabulary of the text on that page, reviews the general theme of the site and checks the origin of incoming links to compare their original theme.

From this process carried out by Google, we can attack the first part by optimizing our page by adding the content that Google relates to our topic, so that when the robot scans our text, it can find that series of related words that help catalog the page.

To find these related words, we're going to draw on less technical resources and simply generate a list of related topics.

Let's go with another example, let's suppose that the page we want to optimize for its target keyword is “dog education”.

The first thing that comes out to us is: dog handler, teaching dogs, how to educate a dog... and no, this is precisely what I told you before, they are synonyms or similar expressions.

We applied a little bit of lateral thinking. We will search for words related to the topic such as:

  • Dog Toys
  • Veterinary
  • Traveling with a dog
  • Dogs

None of them refer to canine education, but all have a direct relationship with the subject.


In this section, I'll tell you the trick of how I find related words for my projects.

I tell you manually, because I don't use any tool that makes things easier for me for this task, in the end what differentiates us from automated programs and processes is that we have the ability to make variations in this process and not perform systematic and repetitive searches for related words in Rome with the same formulas.

To the point, I'm going through the bush.

To find related words we need:

  • A keyword to optimize
  • Internet access
  1. We searched Google: We performed a search for our keyword to be optimized and from which we want to extract related words. When we have the results of the SERPs, we will analyze the descriptions of these Top 10 pages in search of these terms:
  2. Wikipedia: We went to Wikipedia with our keyword and explored the different results it gives us. Here we will find more technical keywords that also refer to the original theme:
  3. Forums: Another great source of related words are forums. Think of them as places where people can openly comment on any question or story, using the language that each one has. This creates a lot of variety of words always in the orbit of our keyword:


SEOlyze: At the same time, we can use a tool like SEOlyze, which allows us to analyze the texts of the first 10 Google results for the keyword we indicate.

Keyword Planner: If we don't have the previous program, I recommend that you do a process similar to that of SEOlyze but by hand using the AdWords word planner.

We do the search we want on Google, and we write down in a list the URLs of those first 10 pages.

Once this is done, we go to the word planner and enter the URLs

We'll give you ideas and generate the listings we already know. In this case, both groups of ideas and ideas for keywords apply to us.

Once we have made our list of related words, I recommend that you go through Keyword Planner again, to detect if we have any interesting opportunities to position independently.

Once this is done, we begin to apply those words to the page to be optimized. It is not necessary to include them all at once, in fact, I recommend that you add them little by little even adding new blocks of text suitable for those words. You don't need to place them in special spaces like H2 or H3 either, but it's OK if you do.

Portada del autor

Soy cofundador de TheCookies Agency, empresa de desarrollo web especializada en proyectos de captación de leads, donde doy servicios de consultoría SEO, optimización Web y optimización para motores de búsqueda, liderando el equipo de este área.

Gestionando clientes desde 2015, me declaro un apasionado del marketing digital y vivo con entusiasmo los proyectos en los que trabajamos.

Autor de uno de los primeros podcast sobre SEO "holaseo" y creador de contenido en diferentes canales como YouTube o Twitter.

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