7 Tricks to Get FREE Backlinks

Guillermo Gascón

When I told you that this process of acquiring links was going to be free, at no time did I mention that it was something fast or that it could be achieved without effort haha.

The links that we are going to get through this trick are powerful even if they can't, I would say they are among the most powerful that exist.

**What does this technique consist of? **

Its name gives us an idea, it's about increasing our relationship with influential people in our sector, until we reach a minimum trust connection that allows us to get a link on their pages.

I'm not saying that you are interested and that we dance the water to these bloggers, quite the contrary, it has to be a real relationship with which these people put their faces and eyes on us, get to know our projects and in the end they can have a mark in their memory about what we are and what we do for a living. It seems simple and doesn't really have a high level of complexity, the only problem is that this has a long process, in the end you are establishing a “personal” relationship and this is not something that can be done overnight.


The main thing is to have that list of interesting and powerful Webs/blogs in our sector. It is something that should always be done as soon as you start a project of any kind on the internet. We must know **who are the influential people in our sector. **

Once we have that list, each one will have a different way of relating to them. Some are very participatory in social networks, others comment a lot on their posts, others respond well to email... you have to try. I recommend the following procedure:

  • Tracking on social networks: we will follow what you do and what you say on the networks. Share and comment on what you think and mention it in the odd tweet or post.
  • Subscription to your mailing list: we are just one more in that infinite list of subscribers, but we are going to do something totally different, Reply to a newsletter, this is something completely out of place and that few people do. Newsletters are usually self-paced emails and nobody usually asks or answers, what do you think if we reply that we have read or consumed the material and give it an assessment?
  • Send emails with questions: this is very common, every day I receive emails with questions about SEO, but they always have an external approach. What does this mean, they are private questions, about projects or external companies that have a certain problem or question. As a rule, I usually answer these questions, but within a reasonable time, they are questions that require work to analyze them and this involves some time. However, there are other types of questions that I answer very quickly, they are those that arise because of some content that I have published. What do I mean by this, we are going to ask about topics that bloggers are dealing with and not about personal issues that make it easier for them to answer.
  • Generate complementary content: This is a classic too, but it's still very effective. Analyze the posts with the most traffic on the blog where we want to remove the link and generate quality content that complements that post. This content is the perfect excuse to finally, when we have a minimum degree of trust, to suggest that you link from your blog.

Obviously, it's a truth like a temple. If there are expired domains with incoming links, it means that there are websites that contain broken links, and we already know how bad this is for SEO;)

**What do people usually do? **

  • Search for expired domains that are available for registration
  • Verify that they have interesting inbound links
  • Check that they do not contain any type of SPAM or previous penalty
  • Register and redirect them or set up a blog and take links from it.

This, as you can see, is a long, costly and dangerous process in some cases. That's why I suggest another way to get powerful links, easier and cheaper.

**What are we going to do? **

First we need a list of the domains that have expired.

My trick is to search only.es domains that will always offer us themes in Spanish and we forget about another filtering process.

Once we have selected a domain or several that interests us, we need the ahrefs tool to determine which pages are pointing to you.

And that's it, we already have a website with links pointing to an expired domain... all we have to do is contact its administrator.

** How do we ask for a URL change? **

I offer you a short guide so that you can write this email correctly and ensure a higher success rate.

*Hello Pedrito I was browsing the internet looking for information on “the topic you're working on” and I found your page, the truth is that it's great. I'm contacting you because I see that in the article you have a link to tuhuertourbano.es and it appears as a broken link. I'm attaching a photo of where the link is so you can repair or replace it quickly. [Capture] Another thing, if you are interested, I have published an article talking a little “about the topic you are dealing with” and you may be interested in adding it to your page to complement the info. A pleasure to talk to you, keep it up with the web because what you share is super interesting! Greetings! *

Free Flickr photos

We all have that problem, we can't find appropriate photos for our projects without them being subject to rights or payments.

However, flickr can be an option to find free photos that allow us to insert them on our websites in exchange for a simple link... Then let's turn the tables.

** What if we are the ones who generate an interesting gallery of photographs? **

  • Practically everyone nowadays has a cell phone with a super high quality camera.
  • We are going to take photos of our work environment, our main actions, our daily work material... just what the pages of our sector will need for their blog/website publications.
  • We uploaded this material to flickr (with its good instragramers filters) and labeled these images as royalty-free with mention of creation. This means that they can be used freely whenever the creator is mentioned.
  • How are they going to mention us? Well, through a powerful link you'll have to list us as authors.

Another interesting option for getting links. In fact, today I'm going to put it into practice. But first I'm going to explain how it works.

It's very obvious, it's about exchanging a service you can offer for a link pointing to the project you want, so that in exchange for your knowledge and time, you can get a quality backlink.

Some very generic services you can offer

  • Consulting on a certain topic
  • Service that you have more or less automated
  • Write a recommendation about a certain service

This strategy is a variation of the first one I mentioned, or a second part we could say.

Once we have a minimum of trust with the person who manages the blog where we want to have an entry, we can start.

Normally we think that you can only publish as a guest when the blog has a marked use of guest blogging and this is not the case. In fact, I recommend that you try the option, as long as you are confident, even with blogs that don't make these types of posts.

I have already mentioned this topic more deeply in other programs, but I think it should be considered, it is an option that should always be considered.

Another useful resource is to go to profiles on important pages with high authority.


A space dedicated to talking about our most personal profile. Very customizable where we can get powerful links pointing to our project and our social networks. All Follow.


Another platform that is essential to have configured, especially if you work with Wordpress. In it we can upload a photo of ourselves and add all the information you need and when we comment on any WordPress blog with the native comment system, our photo will appear. In this case it's a nofollow link but you should have one.


Great portal for questions. It is more focused on the English-speaking audience, but we can participate in debates and answer questions without problem. We also have a space in our profile where we can leave a link pointing to our project. The type of link is nofollow but it allows you to optimize the anchor.

Portada del autor

Soy cofundador de TheCookies Agency, empresa de desarrollo web especializada en proyectos de captación de leads, donde doy servicios de consultoría SEO, optimización Web y optimización para motores de búsqueda, liderando el equipo de este área.

Gestionando clientes desde 2015, me declaro un apasionado del marketing digital y vivo con entusiasmo los proyectos en los que trabajamos.

Autor de uno de los primeros podcast sobre SEO "holaseo" y creador de contenido en diferentes canales como YouTube o Twitter.

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